Tarot Mentorship Programme

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Tarot-Mentorship-Program with
ANGEL ANNE angel-anne-square Would you like to learn how to become a professional Tarot Reader?
Then my Tarot Mentorship Program is for you!

Tarot Reading Glasgow

This is a comprehensive in-depth teaching. You will learn each element as we go through the season it represents, so you attune not only to the cards but to that season and how it makes you feel.

As well as the seasons I teach you the astrology of the cards and the characteristics of each of the court cards.

We spend four weeks on each element and suit. four weeks on the Major Arcanna and four weeks on Layouts and predictions.

This programme is done over a year, if your already reading Tarot, my course will take your readings from mediocre to WOW 🤩 AMAZINGLY ACCURATE! You will learn how to be specific with the cards predictions and spot on time lines for those prediction!

The Mentorship doesn’t stop at learning the academic side, I teach you tools to strengthen your intuition and provide hands on practice. Once you have completed the year, you are recognised by certificate as “Angel Anne Trained Tarot Reader” and are given PAID opportunities to work with me at my events!

This personal development programme WHICH will be transforming to you as well as giving you an opportunity to become a readers.

Fees: For a small personal invest of £850. (£250 deposit and six monthly payments of £100).

Sign up now to become a Professional Tarot Reader!

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